Have you ever had a really good idea that you thought God was telling you to do, like giving something away, dropping everything on your calendar to go help a friend, or making an encouraging phone call? One minute you are so excited to act on the idea, and the next minute you find yourself thinking of a million reasons or excuses why it’s not a good idea at all. You got robbed! Satan, the Master Thief, wants to keep you from being effective. He works the same way every time... God places His plan or dream in your mind, and Satan tries to steal, kill, and destroy it... and he does it with totally believable, rose-colored lies! That’s right, he lies! The enemy uses lies to make you ineffective. His very name is “the father of lies,” and he tries to stop you with confusion, doubt, shame, and false accusations.

... He [the devil] was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44).

Whenever you try to do something for the Lord does any of these excuses come to mind?

- I’m not good enough.

- I’m too busy.

- It’s too complicated.

- I could lose my job or my friends over this.

- What if people think I’m crazy?

- It would cost me too much. I cant afford to…

- What if I fail?

- Someone else would be much better.

- I’m too old; I missed my chance.

- The last time I tried something for Jesus it failed. Everything went wrong.

Guess what? Those are all LIES, every single one, and Satan has been using them over and over for thousands of years to cripple the spread of God’s Good News. Once you become a Christian, he can’t have you, so he moves on to plan B trying to make you ineffective in sharing the gospel. Satan’s goal is to get us so caught up in our past regrets and inner turmoil that we become useless for God’s Kingdom.

So… you have to learn how to fight back!

Taken From Leverage Your Life: Six Week Study That Will Empower You To Make A Difference- Order Yours Now: https://www.hopeoutloud.com/store/p/leverage-your-life-small-group-curriculum


Jesus Has Scars Too
